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JTLYK 6 September

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a lovely first week back and the children already seem settled and eager to learn. Our History topic is well under way and the children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of the history they studied in year 4. We will spend a lot of time observing and discussing the changing power in Britain through our ‘The Trouble with Power’ topic this term.

We are looking forward to meeting many of you at the ‘Meet the Team’ evening next Thursday (12/9/24). We will start at 7pm in 5S; please do join us if you are able.

Additionally, we have a few trips coming up this half term. We would love parent helpers for both the Buddy Morning to the Chantries and for our trip to the Tower of London. Please see the dates on the drop down below, and email your child’s class teacher if you are able to join us.

There will be no spellings or homework this week, but please see below for the schedule for future weeks. We will discuss these in more detail at the Meet the Team evening.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 5—Kayleigh, Scarlett and Helen

Important Dates

  • Thursday 12 September 2024 @ 7pm – Meet the Team in 5S
  • Thursday 19 September 2024 – Buddy Morning in the Chantries
  • Monday 14 October 2024 – Tower of London (16:30 return)

PE Days

  • 5H – Monday and Friday
  • 5S – Thursday and Friday
  • 5K – Thursday and Friday

Homework Schedule

Day Handed Out Taken In Spelling
Monday English English Spelling Test
Tuesday     Introduce new Spelling
Wednesday Maths Maths Practise Spellings
Thursday   Reading Record  
Friday Reading Record   Handwriting with Spellings


No Spellings this week :-)