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No. 247 - 23 July

Dear Parents and Carers,

My heart is full! Thank you so much to all the staff, governors, children and families for making the end of my time at the school so perfect. The singing, the kindness and the loveliest of words, both spoken and written have meant so much.

I was utterly stunned by the generosity of our school community, buying me a cello and money towards lessons! It took my breath away, and I was nearly lost for words. A wonderful surprise and so exciting to look ahead to a new challenge, and to more music making! Thank you so, so much! The children’s book of messages and pictures was also just brilliant.

As we say goodbye to our Year 6 leavers, as well as to those moving away lower down the school, I feel so proud to see the impact of HTPD with lives being lived well, with deep friendships being celebrated and with many marvellous memories to hold on to. I hope we can stay in touch; I shall look forward to hearing about all your adventures, and I will let you know about mine!

On behalf of the staff team as well, thank you for all the lovely gifts and kind words that you’ve shared with them too. It’s been a superb end to an excellent year! Have a peaceful and happy summer holiday!

With much love, Clare

From HTPD Governors:

Dear Parents and Carers

At the end of an eventful year in the life of Holy Trinity Pewley Down, we want to thank you all so much for your committed, ongoing support for the school.  Like you, we are extremely  proud of all the children have achieved this year – academically, in sports, music, art, drama and every other extra curricular activity  – as well as learning important lessons about making the most of every opportunity, resilience and adaptability.  It has been wonderful to hear children articulate throughout the year how the school’s values help them understand the world and guide their choices. 

And on behalf of us all, we wanted to say a final and enormous thank you to Clare for nine years of outstanding  leadership of the school.  Clare – you have been absolutely amazing and we can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done.  Clare embodies the school’s values in a very real way and has created a culture which is welcoming, compassionate, vibrant and creative, where each child is known and loved for who they are and everyone thrives.  She has built a wonderful staff team all passionate about what they do and prepared not to go just one, but several, extra miles for the children to offer them an amazing all round educational experience.  Clare has also inspired  many of us personally in the way she comes alongside people and has helped many through difficult times.  And in this year, as during the pandemic, her ability always to ‘embrace the future with hope and confidence’ has provided the example which helps us to do the same.  As she leaves us today, she goes with our deep gratitude, many wonderful memories, our love and our prayers for whatever lies ahead. 

With best wishes for a very happy and relaxing summer holiday

Deborah & Helen, Co Chairs of Governors

There are countless reasons we are all grateful to Clare for her time at HTPD. The children shared their thoughts in their classes about everything they appreciated, and these heartfelt words were compiled into a special "Thank You, Clare" song. We had the joy of singing it to her as a whole school during her special picnic and again at the Celebration Afternoon. Here are the children's lovely words, capturing the essence of Clare beautifully.

To the tune of ‘Thank You for the Music’ by Abba

Thank you Clare for caring, for all your kindness,

Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought us,

You’ve been our faithful leader:

Fair, patient, joyful and calm,

Optimistic and fun.

We’ll miss you but want you to follow your dreams,

So we say thank you Clare for caring,

And always believing in me.


We’ve been so lucky, to have a Head with such curly hair,

We want to thank you for loving us like a family,

For all your music, all your science, all your love!


Thank you Clare for caring, for all your kindness,

Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought us,

You’ve been our faithful leader:

Fair, patient, joyful and calm,

Optimistic and fun.

We’ll miss you but want you to follow your dreams,

So we say thank you Clare for caring,

And always believing in me.

Whole School

Back to school notice: School starts back for HT children on Tuesday 3rd September, and for PD on Thursday 5 September. We’re assuming that the Pewley building works are completed on time – everything appears to be on track at the moment, but we will be in touch if there are any last minute changes! Keep praying for the works to run smoothly!

If your child attends after-school clubs, do check the notices below by clicking on the junior or infant section.


HT School Starts on Tuesday 3 September 8.30am

HT Meet the Team for Parents/Carers on 12 September at 7.00pm in the Chapel.

Menu: week 1 beginning 2 September (coming soon)


School starts Thursday 5 September for children in Years 1 and 2.

Meet the Team, 17 September, 7.00pm.

Menu: week 1 beginning 2 September (coming soon)