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No. 245 - 12 July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Little did I know on Monday what a week this would turn out to be! I’ve chuckled with many of you about the timing of an Ofsted inspection, coming this late in the term with only a few days of my headship left!

The week began with the children being introduced to the colour of the week being gold – Kim and Lilja wearing their sparkliest of jackets, golden leggings and glittery hats were encouraging us all to be our best selves. Mr Bumble, our hilarious bee keeper visitor, then reminded the juniors that bees make delicious honey that we all share. He suggested that we live our lives similarly, making the world sweeter wherever we can. It was the perfect starting point for a week when the infant school was visited by two Ofsted inspectors!

Pewley hasn’t been inspected since 2012, and we knew that a full graded inspection was due. Two inspectors arrived early on Tuesday morning, after a 90-minute phone call on Monday planning their programme. They really enjoyed spending time at the school, getting to know our wonderful children, and seeing the impact of our school values on the children’s progress. They admired the response to the circumstances that we’ve all faced this year, with the infants busy learning in the cabins on the Holy Trinity playground! It took a bit of explaining! I’m so grateful to those of you that commented on the parent survey. 100% of the responses said that they would recommend the school to another family! And the inspector was a little overwhelmed by the number of positive comments that she heard at drop-off. Thank you so much! At the moment, the outcome is confidential but I’ll look forward to sharing the report with you when it’s published later in the summer, probably after the end of term. I’m so proud to be part of such a remarkable school community – and deeply grateful for the whole staff team. It’ll be so encouraging for everyone to read about the school’s successes.

Other activities this week continued as planned – what a relief that sports day had already happened! Children in Year 4 visited Dapdune Wharf a class at a time to learn about rivers, Year 6 have been excitedly preparing for today’s Trinity Trek, and Year 2 welcomed families for a tea party as part of their RE learning on giving to others. I was delighted to watch the children in Year R and Year 1 “move-up” into their new classes. They embraced the change so positively, looking so grown up as they met their new teachers and got to know their new classmates.

I’m looking forward to unwinding this weekend – with a lie in on Saturday morning, before looking ahead to my last full week at the school. We’ve still got so many things to look forward to, and we won’t be interrupted by Ofsted!

With much love, Clare

Thought of the week: Bee loving – how can you be your best self? Happy are those who follow the path God has planned for them.

Whole School

The Year 6 Entrepreneurs did an outstanding job at their sale yesterday lunch time, raising a whopping £589. The group who raised the most money will be announced next week and they will then choose a charity to donate our profits to.

Celebration Afternoon, Monday 22 July, 1.45pm

Parents are invited to a short concert on the pitch at 1.45pm. From 2.00pm (approximately) they can visit their child’s classroom to have a look at their work.

If your child attends after-school clubs, do check the notices below by clicking on the junior or infant section.

Early finish end of term on Tuesday 23 July:

  • PD finishing at 1.30pm
  • HT finishing at 1.45pm



  • Year 2 Leavers’ Assembly, Thursday 18 July, 2.00pm in the Chapel. Parents are invited to the Leavers’ Assembly to celebrate the Year 2 children’s time at the infants.
  • Celebration afternoon, Monday 22 July, 1.45pm - see above.
  • Teacher-led clubs are cancelled on Monday 22 July owing to the Celebration Afternoon.

Menu: week 2 beginning 15 July (Friday will be the picnic lunch).


Dates for the diary

  • Wednesday 17 July VE Tea Party 2pm to 3pm
  • Thursday 18 July Y6 Leavers Service at St Marys Church 9.45am to 10.30pm
  • Friday 19 July Y3 to 6 End of Year Service at HT Church 9.45am to 10.45am
  • Monday 22 July – Y6 Leavers BBQ ad Disco 5.30pm to 7pm

Cancelled Clubs

  • No Ballet, Boogie Pumps, Kayaking or Kickstart week beginning 15 July
  • There are no clubs are on Monday 22 July Celebration Day


Week 2 menu week beginning 15 July.


WANTED: New PTA committee members for 24/25!

Some of our PTA committee are moving on and we are looking for lots of new members - including a new Chair or Co-Chairs.

With the school moving back to the infant site in September, the PTAs will be separating again. Joining one of the PTA committees is a brilliant opportunity to build a supportive and fun community at Pewley Down and Holy Trinity, while raising money for extra resources for our lovely infant and junior school pupils. With the school budget under continual pressure, it is so fulfilling to be able to “fill in the gaps” to make the school experience so exciting and diverse.

There are PTA roles for everyone - big and small: chairing, administration, copy writing, organising, marketing, finance, general bringer of fun, poster maker, website runner, school liaison. You can create your own role depending on your skills and how much time you have to dedicate.

Or perhaps you would like to be involved with just one event, like a Quiz night or the Fun Run. Groups of friends could come together to organise one thing if they are unable to commit to a full year on the PTA.

One of the committee who is moving house has asked us to share this: “I’m so sad to be leaving my role in the PTA. It’s challenging at times but honestly I have learned so much, it’s given me an amazing opportunity to be part of my children’s school and it’s really supported my confidence in my career.”

Please email or if you would like to be involved, or speak to one of the current committee members.

We know there are some very talented and dedicated parents at HTPD so please do reach out for a chat - as an individual or as a group. We can’t wait to hear from you!


Guildford Table Tennis Association will be running some free table tennis sessions to under 18s over the Summer in order to attract more young people to the sport. The first of these will take place on 10 August (the last weekend of the Olympics) and the second of those will be on 14 September. They will take place at Christ's College, Guildford and they are free!  Please see the flyer below.

Andrew Lawrence basketball summer camp at George Abbot school. Please see flyer below.

Boogie Pumps Summer Theatre camps – see flyer.