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No. 244 - 5 July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who came along to our sports day yesterday! For some of you with children across the school, it was a long day, with first the infants, then Year 3 and 4, and then Year 5 and 6 taking part in the afternoon – I really enjoyed spending the whole day outside, celebrating the children’s team-spirited, joyful, and passionate sporty skills! Congratulations to Mandela for a marvellous victory; they really did shine. As did so many of you who took part in the Pewley parent races; I don’t think we’ve ever had so many people racing. The atmosphere was so lovely and I enjoyed every minute. Feedback from the children was also really positive – it was much better to spread the events out across the day, and we even finished in plenty of time!

For me, some of the stand-out moments included watching our most talented athletes cross the line in style, as well as noticing those that find running more difficult being determined and surprising themselves with their success. I also loved spotting little moments of kindness, camaraderie, encouragement and friendship between children from Reception to Year 6; for me, each positive interaction brought a glimpse of “heaven in the moment!”

Thank you as well for making the effort to park respectfully during sports day; we only had one unhappy neighbour phone the school. It was great that I didn’t have to apologise for traffic chaos too many times - I really appreciate it when the school community park carefully and safely. One comment came earlier in the week from Addison Court which is just across the road from the school – it is home for many elderly people and they really do need access in and out all the time in case of medical emergencies, so please be careful not to park there. Unfortunately, on that occasion people had blocked their driveway; I let them know that I’d remind you all about this.

The children in Year 6 are really starting to look ahead to September now, having spent time visiting their secondary schools this week. I’m proud to see them “embracing the future with hope and confidence” and I’m looking forward to sharing these next few days together as we look ahead to big changes at the end of the academic year! They’re inspiring me to look ahead with a smile.

Today, the Year 3 children are exploring Newlands Corner and walking back to school for a long-awaited evening of fun and games with their friends. Huge thanks to the teacher team who are then spending the whole night with them “sleeping-over” at school – let’s hope the children are tired out after a day in the fresh air.

Many of you have already heard the wonderful news that JJ and Nick welcomed little baby Poppy into their family, on Monday 1st July; a beautiful little sister for Orla. They’re all home now and enjoying getting to know each other and we send them our very best wishes. We’re also delighted to welcome Catherine Finniear back to school after her maternity leave – perfect timing for looking after 3N!

You’ll also be pleased to hear that the building project at Pewley is proceeding apace; the ceilings are all stripped out and ready for the arrival of the steel brackets which will then be attached to each concrete tile. For those of you that pray, please ask our heavenly Father to watch over smooth deliveries and guard against any unexpected glitches!

Our mock election was a great success at the juniors – take a look at the notices below for a summary of the results – and well done to all the Year 6 candidates who did such a great job in helping the school learn about democracy and the voting process. I’m going home shortly to settle in for some post-election national news. Enjoy the weekend!

With much love,


Thought of the week: Bee calm – how do you control anger? “Happy are the meek; they shall inherit the earth.”

Whole School

Holy Trinity Mock Election

Twelve of our Year 6 children volunteered their time to establish and create their own political party, coming up with their unique party name and logo. The parties consisted of: Fresh Future (members: Elodie, Elle, Holly and John-Paul), EqualiTicks (members: Ella, Milly, Edith and Esco) and S.H.I.P Social, Help Independence Party (members: Eloise, Alice, Jools and Ben). Each party created their own manifestos which were shared with the rival parties, and then with KS2 in assembly, considering the following key policy areas: education, cost of living, the environment and health. Fresh Future shared how they would "educate people on the environment and encourage an eco lifestyle" if they were to come into power. EqualiTicks promised to "improve healthcare in the UK for all and make sure everyone is equal". S.H.I.P expressed that they would "make university cheaper so more doctors and teachers would be trained and so NHS waiting times would be shorter" if they were to win. After a busy week of campaigning and speaking to their peers, polls were open on Thursday. Every child in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 were given a vote, including staff! The results are as follows:

  • EqualiTicks: 158
  • S.H.I.P: 138 
  • Fresh Future: 62

A huge congratulations to the winning party, EqualiTicks! And a special well done to all the candidates for taking part! We have been very impressed with their commitment, maturity and forward-thinking. What a superb example of democracy in action!

After School Playworkers - please see the Vacancies page for details of job openings.

If your child attends after-school clubs, do check the notices below by clicking on the junior or infant section.


Teacher-led clubs (Years R and 1)

The deadline to sign up for teacher-led clubs for the autumn term is 9.00am next Monday 8 July.

Swimming information forms (Year 1)

A reminder to return the swimming information forms by Friday 12 July.

Menu: week 1 beginning 8 July.


Dates for the diary

  • Y4 Dapdune Wharf Walk – 4SP on Monday 8 July, 4SJ on Wednesday 10 July and 4B on Thursday 11 July
  • Y6 Entrepreneur Club Sale – Thursday 11 July 2.30 to 1.30pm – children to bring in spending money (possibly a sale after school if not sold out)

Cancelled Clubs

  • Amazing Art and Athletics clubs have finished until next term.
  • Last Kayaking w/c 8 July

Message from Geraldine

The Library will be out of action from Thursday next week as I am finishing early this term. Please could all outstanding loans be returned before Wednesday. The children will be allowed to take 6 books out for the holidays. Year 6 children will need to return all their books, please.

Beast and the Bethany event orders: If you ordered books after the ParentPay closed, please bring cash or a cheque before Wednesday so that I can tie up all the figures before I go. I currently have some unsigned books available until the end of Monday if anyone would like to purchase one.

Lunch - Week 1 beginning 8 July.


WANTED: New PTA committee members for 24/25!

Some of our PTA committee are moving on and we are looking for lots of new members - including a new Chair or Co-Chairs.

With the school moving back to the infant site in September, the PTAs will be separating again. Joining one of the PTA committees is a brilliant opportunity to build a supportive and fun community at Pewley Down and Holy Trinity, while raising money for extra resources for our lovely infant and junior school pupils. With the school budget under continual pressure, it is so fulfilling to be able to “fill in the gaps” to make the school experience so exciting and diverse.

There are PTA roles for everyone - big and small: chairing, administration, copy writing, organising, marketing, finance, general bringer of fun, poster maker, website runner, school liaison. You can create your own role depending on your skills and how much time you have to dedicate.

Or perhaps you would like to be involved with just one event, like a Quiz night or the Fun Run. Groups of friends could come together to organise one thing if they are unable to commit to a full year on the PTA.

One of the committee who is moving house has asked us to share this: “I’m so sad to be leaving my role in the PTA. It’s challenging at times but honestly I have learned so much, it’s given me an amazing opportunity to be part of my children’s school and it’s really supported my confidence in my career.”

Please email or if you would like to be involved, or speak to one of the current committee members.

We know there are some very talented and dedicated parents at HTPD so please do reach out for a chat - as an individual or as a group. We can’t wait to hear from you!


Please see flyers below, for more information on the following:

  • Summer Holiday football and Multisports courses - This course is open to all children aged 4 to 13 years old. Half-days and full-days are available. 
  • West Horsley Place has a couple of interactive events for families, full of activities and hands-on experiences that will bring history to life. 
  • Puzzle Club - Holiday Fun for students attending Holy Trinity School.
  • Home-Start Guildford – Request for volunteers (flyer) & Open Morning (flyer)

STEM camp at RGS Prep School, GU1 2EL this Summer!  Our camps cater to ages 5-11Visit: for more info.