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No. 239 - 24 May

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s been a great week rounding off the first half of the summer term. House dance for the juniors was a spectacular showcase of our children’s talents – and the final celebration in front of all the children from Year 2 to Year 6 was just brilliant. The dancers were so confident and free; it made all of us smile. Thank you for encouraging them to take part.

I’m so enjoying today – Fluffy Friday is always a wonderful day of fun, but today I’m running one of the activities “Headteacher for the Day!” with twelve children from Year 5 and Year 6. They are letting me have the day off (!) and I’m handing over the writing of the newsletter to them. They’ve been visiting each of the Fluffy sessions and checking that HTPD is living life in all its fullness. They also had to report back to one of our governors, entertained some teachers visiting from Australia, and are doing lunch duty in the dining hall and playground.

They write:

Fluffy Friday has been a great way to make friends across different year groups. There were loads of activities ranging from “Fun at the Beach” (with our long-jump pit turned into a sandy seaside paradise) to pom-pom making, “Ben’s Birthday Party” to photo-art – everybody seemed to be having the time of their lives. Observing different sessions, we could really see how children were thriving, making brilliant board games or playing terrific tennis. We saw children moving out of their comfort zones, and challenging themselves. There were lots of signs of new friendships being made, children learning new skills and people have fun! If you had visited, you’d have been amazed with all the children’s abilities and the time that teachers were taking to organise it all. Every single one of us saw “heaven in the moment” today!

One notice that Clare has asked us to share with you is to do with the parking situation around school at drop off and pick up. She’s been getting complaints again from our neighbours, so please be careful to park respectfully and safely. It’s not very nice to see her so worried about this – she teaches us to think of others and we’re asking you to be more thoughtful. Why not walk, cycle or scooter to school, or, if you have to drive, park at a distance and walk the last bit; it’s much better for stopping pollution, and you won’t upset anyone. Remember not to park across driveways or on the zigzags. Just please park further away from school and enjoy a less stressful time!

They’ve done a super job looking after the school today – and they want to join me in wishing you a very relaxing and happy half term holiday! See you for an action-packed second half of the summer term on Monday 3rd June.

With much love,

Clare and the Fluffy Headteachers

Thought of the week: Bee kind – what does kind look like? “Blessed are the merciful, they shall be shown mercy.”

Whole School Notice

HTPD Coffee Mornings hosted by our Home School Link Workers - see the flyer below.

Holy Trinity Church Pet Service on Sunday 16 June - see flyer below.

If your child attends after-school clubs, do check the notices below by clicking on the junior or infant section.


Menu: Week 2 beginning 3 June.

Playground bench - You might have noticed the smart new bench in the infant playground area. This was very kindly donated by Lazy Susan Furniture.


Dates for the diary

  • Monday 3 June – Back to school after half term break
  • Saturday 8 June – HTSC Fun Run

Sports Update for Week beginning 3 June:

Tuesday 4 June

  • Y3&4 District Sports Trials. On the pitch after school - pick up at 4.15pm

Friday 7 June

  • Y3 PhysiFun Festival at Guildford Grove - 10-11.30am. The team has been sent out on ParentMail.

Lunch: Week 2 menu beginning 3 June. Please note there will be no salad bar, due to deliveries. We will also be swapping Monday for Tuesday, so Chicken Noodles and Risotto on Monday; Sausages on Tuesday.


Whole School Fun Run and Summer Get Together - Saturday 8 June @ 1-4pm, Shalford Park

3 weeks to go until the HTPD Fun Run! We're thrilled to announce that we've extended the deadline to sign up for our fantastic Fun Run fundraiser!

Join us on June 8th at Shalford Park! 

Everyone who registers will receive a free HTPD water bottle and a finisher's medal. The top 3 finishes of each race will receive prizes like Decathlon & Fit stuff vouchers and vouchers for Silent Pool gin, for the adults of course! We'll also have a prize for the best child and adult fancy dress!


  • 1.30pm Adults 5km - £15
  • 2.30pm Pewley Down children 1km - £10
  • 3pm Holy Trinity children 2km - £10
  • 3.15pm Toddler dash - free

The Fun Run is an excellent fundraiser for the school and should be a great family afternoon. We'll have a bouncy castle, stalls and refreshments. 

To help make this a huge success, we're looking for volunteers to help man the stalls. If you have some spare time on June 8th, please click the sign up links below:

Stall Sign Up Here

Fun Run Sign Up

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get active, raise money for our school, and have a brilliant day out with the family!

Fun Run sponsorship

We are looking for local businesses who would be willing to help sponsor the Fun Run on Saturday 8 June. 

Knight Frank are our main sponsor and we have also managed to secure further sponsorship from Meat the Greek.  Local shops offering their support include Decathlon, Fit Stuff, M&S and The Entertainer. 

We are suggesting donations of £50 each.  In return, we can offer great exposure via our communications and at the event itself.

Please contact either Jo (07919 338813) or Susie (07590 688313) if you have a business or contact that would like to support us. 

New library books

We are so pleased to be able to donate £500 from the sponsored read and PTA funds for new books for the school library!

Upcoming dates for your diary

  • Friday 14 June - Bake sales hosted by Year 4 and Year 1 
  • Friday 28 June - Bake sales hosted by Year 3 and Year R

Thank you for supporting our school and have a brilliant half term!