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Learn to Live

Our Vision

At Holy Trinity Pewley Down, we are inspired by Jesus’ words, “I have come that you may have life - life in all its fullness,” (John 10 v10). As a Church of England school, we hope that our life together brings these words to life in the Guildford community that we serve.

We seek to nurture in the hearts and minds of our children the capacity to respond to the knowledge and love of God. We provide an experience of Christian community which will influence and shape the rest of the children’s lives, enabling them to reach their God-given potential. We strive for excellence intellectually and spiritually, equipping children with wisdom, understanding and skills for their future. We celebrate the Christian faith as well as our differences, welcoming families of many different faiths, ethnic groups and languages.

Our Values

Zest for learning and a love of life

We plan an exciting curriculum and provide a rich and varied experience for children from the ages of 4-11, thereby nurturing wisdom, knowledge and skills. We want children to be excited about life and enthusiastic about learning, developing talents across a diverse spectrum and not wanting to miss a day of school!



Embracing the future with hope and confidence

We provide opportunities for children to become confident and hopeful individuals, knowing that they can look forward to tomorrow, equipped with the tools that they need to succeed. A Christian understanding of heaven brings hope and light into our community. We endeavour to open aspirational horizons and encourage human flourishing, enabling healing, repair and restoration when things go wrong.

Seeing heaven in the moment

By planning flexibly and responding to each moment, children are encouraged to experience awe and wonder in their daily life both within and beyond the classroom. This can involve noticing rainbows, walking in the bluebell woods or revelling in the joy of times-table patterns!




Imagining the journey in another's footsteps; nurturing understanding, respecting all

School becomes more like family, as we each learn to demonstrate deeper empathy and kindness towards one another. A core focus on relationships and respect results in a vibrant participation in our wider school community and builds capacity for living well together.

Everyone knowing that they are treasured and loved as a unique child of God

We prioritise the principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating everyone as a unique individual of inherent worth. We are all special – that means everyone in our school family.